Digital Point-Design Contest Forum
Digital Point is a forum where you can find some free lance work. In the contest section, they mostly ask for designs such as logos, headers, banners, and website designs.
People from all over the world are experienced in different things, many people do design whatever these people want, however people are picky and pick ones they really like.
I always say it can't hurt to enter into one of the contests and try to win, it is very important to follow instructions, otherwise your design will be over looked.
If your not chosen, do not give up, always try and try again until you feel that your absolutely satisfied with the design that you have done.
Over 20 contests are happening a day on this forum, so there is a chance you may win, just keep trying, and do something that you know how to do.
Adobe Photo shop is a must as those who have started the contests want a specific ending such as .psd, .png etc etc that only photo shop has. Keep up to date on your programs and spend time looking at other peoples work and get ideas, but never copy them.
Think through the design you've made, make changes you think they might want or even you may want to do. Be sure the images and text are perfect, the designs are all in the eye of the creater.